

Foreign brands CMT, PILANA, TAUBE

Not all of our offices
offer tools CMT,

At the moment our capacity is limited to the production of milling cutters, drill bits, disc cutters and special knives for corner cleaning machines. Overall product range of RUTOOL has more than 1000 articles, but this is not enough to satisfy wide needs at the different cutting tools. That is why to extend the range we are cooperating with numerous foreign producers of tools like CMT (Italy), PILANA (Czech Republic).

CMT Orange tools

CMT Orange tools this are high quality and middle price tools which are producing in Italy since 1964. CMT cutting tools you can easily indentify by orange color of the tool body. Main fields are: CMT milling cutters for wood and CMT saw blades for wood. The reason to choose CMT milling cutters and saw blades is the wide range of products and high quality. CMT milling cutters, CMT saw blades and other CMT cutting tools.

PILANA tools

The history of PILANA tools starts at the year 1934 and now has more than 650 people. The factory is located at Czech Republic and main field of activity in production is saw blades Pilana, which are supplied for many European countries and well known at Russia.

Региональные представители

Екатеринбург: "МАКСМА" (343) 213-7074

Иркутск, Братск: "СИСТЕМА" (3953) 44-89-44

Казань: "РЕПСО-С" (843) 278-31-32

Краснодар: "РАСХОДНИКИ-23" (861) 290-18-08

Москва: "СТАНОК" (495) 545-4534

Нижний Новгород: "ТЕХКОМ" (83171) 3-31-90

Новосибирск: "ФАЙЗЕР" (383) 286-2881

Уфа: "СТАНПРОФ" 8 (800) 500-1916

Хабаровск: "АРСЕНАЛ" (914) 777-4048

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